Hugs and Smiles from God

Hello friends! :) Have you ever had an experience when you were reminded that God is with you, without a shadow of a doubt? Maybe you nearly escaped a terrible accident, or had a check come in the mail at the exact time you needed it, or someone shared a Bible verse with you that was just what you needed at that moment. Many times, these incidents strengthen our faith, like a hug or smile from God, reassuring us that He is with us and loves us and has a plan for us. But all too often, in the days, weeks, and months that follow, we forget what God has done for us, and we get discouraged and doubt that God is with us. Israel often fell into this mistake. They, of all people, had the clearest evidence that God was with them. He parted the Red Sea for them, caused manna to fall from heaven every morning for them, He did so many other things for them, and His presence with them was visible in the form of a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. Yet they complained against the very...