
Hi, friends! Today I'd like to share with you one of my favorite quotes of all time: Mission: -to know Him -to make Him known It's so simple, yet so profound: our whole lives revolve around these two things: falling in love with the Creator of the universe who died to save us, and telling everyone we meet about this God who loves us so much. To Know Him How can we make known someone we don't first know? Something God has been impressing on my heart lately is the importance of getting to know Him. Many people, if you asked them if they know God, would say yes. But perhaps for some, they merely know of Him, rather than truly knowing Him. For example, let's say Peter and Sallie are engaged to be married. In their free time, Peter plays basketball and Sallie goes shopping. They never spend any time together, only talk to each other when they have to, and one seldom thinks of the other. When they get married, will they really know each other? No! The...