Come Home (Part Four)
Hi friend! :) This post is the fourth and last part in the blog post series "Come Home" based on the sermon I did at our church last month. To read the first three parts, click here , here, and here ! The first three parts covered three false statements that we often believe about ourselves and God: Part One: "God could never want to be with me, I'm such a sinner." In this part, we discovered that Jesus came to be with sinners, and to lift them up to joy and peace in being with Him! Part Two: "I'm too far gone for God to love me." Here we looked at the story of the lost sheep, and how Jesus loves us no matter how far we've wandered away. Part Three: "I'm not good enough, I'm just worthless." In this part, we looked at the parable of the lost coin and discovered that "the value of an object is determined by the price paid for it, and God gave everything for you. You are of infinite worth, because He paid an infini...